Sunday, 12 April 2015


I'm back from the camping trip. Freshly showered with chocolate lining my stomach. (It's still the Easter holidays so no one is allowed to pass judgement.)

It was an interesting trip to say to least, and my tiredness and icky feeling in my belly means if I get into stuff that upset me I'd be whining for ages. So lets not do that. I'm trying not to focus on bad things, right? Plus I'm just to tired to rant right now, haha. But just one bad note, it seems the stress and anxiety of the situation has left me very sick and unwell. Which is poopy, to say the least.

Even so I'm really glad that I went since I got to spend basically the whole time with my significant other. Gah, he's so cute. Oh my gosh. We cuddled a lot and acted like stereotypical couples and it was awesome.

We went for a walk along the beach and went stargazing and made silly jokes, hung out, drew in the sand, sat by the camp fire and played pokemon. That part was awesome and makes any bad things worth it.

It's going to be around two months before I can see him again, and that's for my formal. But I ain't complain', things could be worse. For now I shall just lie around in my bed and come to terms with how much time I've spent outdoors and try to counteract that with extra super-dooper laziness. It's a plan.

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