Sunday 17 May 2015


I'm kinda upset that I missed writing a post on the 15/5/15, just, look at that date. It's such a beautiful date, is that a weird thing to say? I don't know, I just know that this particular set of numbers really makes me happy?

I've always had a thing about not liking it when numbers were imbalanced, when I was a child I'd panic if numbers were not even or couldn't be divided by five. I've obviously improved but I still feel happy when numbers are 'balanced' (quotation marks because different people would consider different things balanced).

Some examples of numbers and/or dates that for some reason make me happy:
2, 68, 96, 55, 12, 1986, 24, 10, 1818, 12/12/12, 5/15/5 and the list goes on.

I don't know entirely why I wrote about this, I didn't plan to but this is what ended up happening. Oh well, this is just a small thing so I can continue writing and not feel bad for skipping today.

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